Thursday, June 9

Take Buy Blue on the road!

I'm pleased to announce today that we have a pretty cool addition to the web site. If you are an iPod owner then you are in luck - now you can take BuyBlue wherever you go on your iPod. If you don't have an iPod fear not, we do plan to offer this information in other portable formats such as for PDAs and wireless phones. However, it is worth nothing that Apple is 99% Blue (profile), so you could make your purchase knowing you are supporting a blue company. Additionally, in response to environmental concerns Apple has launched an iPod recycling program.

Buy Blue's misison:
"You may have voted blue, but every day you unknowingly help dump millions of dollars into the conservative war chest. By purchasing products and services from companies that donate heavily to conservatives, we have been compromising our own interests as liberals and progressives. is a concerted effort to lift the veil of corporate patronage, so consumers can make informed buying decisions that coincide with their principles."

Wednesday, June 8

Hooray for America!

A reminder of our super awesomeness, courtesy of Matt:

Tobacco Escapes Huge Penalty

US official edited warming, emission link

Tuesday, May 24

I think we "won!"

Filibust THIS, motherfuckers!!

Tuesday, May 17

We said no more terrorism, right?

Patterns of Global Terrorism is a Congressionally-mandated report from the U.S. Department of State intended to provide a full and complete record for those countries and groups involved in international terrorism. This publication is updated annually by the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. MIPT has digitized and made available here the entire collection from 1985 to the present.

But no more. Bush administration eliminating 19-year-old international terrorism report.

The State Department decided to stop publishing an annual report on international terrorism after the government's top terrorism center concluded that there were more terrorist attacks in 2004 than in any year since 1985, the first year the publication covered...

the all new kittenpants action site

I can't update this all by myself. So I'm enlisting you.